Pathology photo scanning using artificial intelligence
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Главная / Diagnostics of oncological diseases

Early diagnosis of cancer helps to identify the disease at the initial stages and choose an individual treatment. To do this, we have developed methods for diagnosing cancer that help determine the immune status.

For these purposes, various types of studies help, ranging from preventive scans and final tests for specific tumor markers, learn more from your doctor.
Examinations are important for people at risk:


— People who work in a hazardous industry or factory;


– People who abuse smoking, alcohol and other substances;


– People with a hereditary predisposition to the disease;

— People living in ecologically unfavorable regions or working in hazardous industries;

The main objective of our technique is to accurately scan cells using a neural network.

Preventive body scan is prescribed in the following cases:

– When there is a general malaise;

– It is not clear which organ exactly hurts;

– When metastases, tumors occur in the human body.

– Diagnosis of the early stages of diseases that are asymptomatic.

We care about your health, so we strongly recommend that you undergo preventive diagnostics once a year.

Based on the analyzes of cancers detected at an early stage, they have a large% cured or stopped in a timely manner. This can significantly reduce mortality from this group of pathologies of diseases, as well as save patients a long life.
Learn more about clinical trials.

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