Pathology photo scanning using artificial intelligence
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Главная / Clinical researches

Main advantages:

✔ Innovative diagnostic method;

✔ Comprehensive examination;

✔ Research with the help of AI;

✔Patented technique;

Our tasks:

Clinical laboratory diagnostics.

The main task of this type of diagnostics is:

— detection;

– confirmation;

–  presence of oncopathology.

Which cannot be unambiguously confirmed or refuted by organoleptic research methods.

Clinical Research Methods :

Currently, laboratory diagnostics is the most common additional method of examining a patient, which is used by doctors of various profiles.

Before any surgical intervention or the appointment of any type of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis of the body in order to exclude contraindications to the prescribed type of treatment.

Recommendations to the patient:

To take part in clinical diagnostics, the patient must become familiar with all aspects of this process.

In case of his consent, the patient signs the Informed Consent Form, after which the doctor includes him in the study.

If you want to take part in clinical diagnostics, leave a request on our website and our manager will contact you!

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